Thursday, September 25, 2014

Pink Flamingos!

"Pink Flamingos" is one of my favorite movies of all time. That sentence right there probably tells you more about me than anything.

What can be said about it that hasn't already been said?

The plot involves Divine, aka Babs Johnson, who is in hiding. Babs lives with her mother and her son in a trailer in the middle of nowhere. This is just how Babs wants it---living in relative obscurity. You see, she wants to hold onto her title as the "Filthiest Person Alive" and will stop at nothing to do so.

Connie and Raymond Marble want to snatch the title away from Babs. They scheme to humiliate her and ruin the lives of herself and her family.

I cannot imagine how shocking this film was back in 1972 because it's shocking by today's standards. I mean SHOCKING. The famous dog poo scene aside, this films contains images and scenarios one would not even find in the most disturbing horror film. Or porn. (Two words: Singing Asshole. )

Like I said before it's one of my favorites. Probably because despite what we are seeing on-screen, the mood is light and the humor is twisted.

(I saw this film with a friend who was so disturbed by it he has never spoken of it since. Go figure.)

Watch it at your own risk! If you are as disturbed as I am, you will enjoy it :)

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